What Can My Child Support Check Legally Be Used For?

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When a divorced couple has children, one parent typically receives monthly child support payments. Usually, the custodial parent — the parent with whom the children live most of the time — receives these payments. However, disputes often arise regarding how child support funds are used.

It’s not uncommon for the non-custodial parent paying support to claim the custodial parent is misusing the funds, while the custodial parent argues that the payments are insufficient to cover the children’s expenses. Many parents are also unsure of what child support money can lawfully be used for.

Here’s what the family law attorneys at the DiPietro Family Law Group want you to know about how child support should be used.

What You Can Use Child Support to Pay For

Virginia courts do not require parents to provide proof of how child support funds are spent unless the child’s basic needs are not being met. In such cases, the state or court may intervene. Generally, it’s assumed that child support is used for necessary expenses.

Basic Necessities

Your child’s basic needs include food, shelter, and clothing. At a minimum, child support payments can be used to buy groceries, snacks, beverages, and clothing like shoes, jackets, and other essentials. Child support can also contribute to shelter costs, such as mortgage payments, rent, utilities, and phone bills — even if these expenses also benefit the custodial parent.

Educational Costs

If your child attends private school, your divorce settlement should specify who covers the tuition. In the absence of an agreement, the court may apportion tuition costs to the non-custodial parent. Even if your child attends public school, there are still educational expenses like school supplies, textbooks, lunch money, and private tutors. Child support can be used to help cover these costs.

Entertainment & Extracurricular Activities

Children need entertainment and stimulation. Courts generally hold that a child is entitled to basic entertainment like television, games, and internet access. This can also include trips to movie theaters, amusement parks, and camping trips. Child support payments can be used to cover reasonable entertainment expenses.

Additionally, child support money can be used to pay for your child’s extracurricular activities, including after-school sports, summer camps, and clubs such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, raising a child involves many expenses beyond basic food and clothing. Child support funds can be used to cover these additional costs, and courts take these financial needs into consideration when determining child support orders. However, if your child’s support needs change or your ex-spouse’s ability to pay shifts, you may need to file for a modification of the existing child support order.

If you’re concerned that your ex-spouse is mishandling child support or they’ve accused you of misusing funds, the experienced family attorneys at DiPietro Family Law Group can help. We have decades of experience in family law matters across Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC.
Contact us online today or call (888) 530-4374 for a consultation!

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