6 Unnerving Behaviors to Expect from Your Spouse When You Announce You’re Getting a Divorce — And How to Handle Them

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Formerly stable spouses can exhibit strange behaviors when they learn that divorce may be in their future. These behaviors may be motivated by stress, anger, or financial concerns. The more aware you are of these potential issues, the better prepared you’ll be to handle any emotional or financial complications.

1. Infidelity

Whether intended as revenge or as a way to blow off steam, many spouses engage in one-night stands or full-blown affairs during the divorce process. If this happens before the divorce is finalized, it can be considered infidelity, and may even provide grounds for an at-fault divorce.

2. Big Purchases

Divorcing spouses may be tempted to splurge on large purchases, but keep in mind that these purchases may be considered marital property. It’s best to wait until after the divorce is finalized before making significant financial decisions.

3. Vacations

The stress of divorce can prompt a desire for escape. While it’s possible to book a vacation during the divorce process, it’s often not advisable—especially if the trip is inconsistent with the spouse’s usual lifestyle.

4. Freaking Out On Social Media

While some individuals keep relationship issues private on social media, others may vent their frustrations publicly. If your ex posts anything malicious online, it’s essential that you do not respond—anything you say could be used against you during divorce proceedings.

5. Getting Kids and In-Laws Involved

Some spouses may not know how—or may not want to—keep marital problems within the marriage. These individuals may share the details of their divorce with family or involve children in the process, which can make children feel caught in the middle, especially as the divorce plays out in court.

6. Sudden Change of Jobs

Divorcing spouses often feel the need to change other areas of their lives in response to the upheaval caused by divorce. This may lead to career changes—whether quitting a high-paying job or seeking a promotion. While there may not be much you can do to prevent this, the change could affect alimony or child support arrangements.

No matter how your spouse behaves after learning of your decision to pursue divorce, seek legal protection from a trusted attorney in Washington, D.C.

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