The Common Misconception About Divorce
If television, movies, or romance novels are to be believed, bored and/or unfaithful men initiate most divorces. However, scientific research reveals a different story. Women are actually more likely to file for divorce than men. A study published in the Oxford Journal, ‘These boots are made for walking’: why most divorce filers are women, articulates this surprising insight:
“Because of the financial and social hardship faced after divorce, most people assume that generally husbands have instigated divorce since the introduction of no-fault divorce. Yet women file for divorce and are often the instigators of separation, despite a deep attachment to their children and the evidence that many divorces harm children. Furthermore, divorced women in large numbers reveal that they are happier than they were while married. They report relief and certainty that they were right in leaving their marriages.”
7 More Surprising Facts About Divorce and Men
1. Infidelity Accounts for Only 17% of Divorces
17 percent of divorces are the result of infidelity. That means 83 percent of these failed relationships were beset by other problems significant enough to lead to divorce.
2. Men Suffer Greater Emotional Discord Post-Breakup
According to Psychology Today, men appear to suffer more emotionally after a breakup. Women tend to rebound faster and easier due to stronger emotional ties.
3. Divorce Takes a Toll on Men’s Health
Harvard Medical School notes that married men are healthier than unmarried or divorced men. Divorced men are more susceptible to high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes.
4. Men’s Household Income Drops by 25% After Divorce
While divorce tends to be harder on women in terms of finances, men also experience a substantial adjustment, with household income dropping by about 25%.
5. Divorce Leads to Increased Anxiety in Men
A Prevention Magazine report highlights that divorce can lead to greater levels of anxiety in men due to the loss of companionship.
6. 6% of Men Remarry Their Ex-Wives
Surprisingly, 6% of men who divorce will remarry their ex-wives. This estimate comes from psychology professor Nancy Kalish, author of Lost & Found Lovers: Facts and Fantasies of Rekindled Romances.
7. Divorce Increases the Risk of Alcohol and Drug Use in Men
According to NBC News, men are more likely than women to turn to alcohol and/or drug use after a divorce. Research suggests that men cope with stress through “externalizing” behaviors (e.g., alcohol use), while women cope in “internalizing” ways (e.g., depression).
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Whether you’re fighting for a fair custody agreement or need strategic help dividing marital assets, the DiPietro Family Law Group can help. Please call our team at (888) 530-4374 for a free consultation.