Getting in Shape and Eating Well After a Divorce

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It’s an unfortunate reality for many going through a Virginia divorce: when you separate from your spouse, your eating and exercise habits often take a turn for the worse. While some people use separation as a catalyst for engaging in healthier behaviors, the majority struggle with poor eating habits and a lack of physical activity in response to the stress, uncertainty, and loneliness that often accompany divorce.

Conventional Health Advice vs. New Research

Traditional health advice is well known: eat less, exercise more, cut down on fat, and eat more fruits and grains. However, emerging research challenges many of these long-standing beliefs about what it truly means to “eat well” and “exercise well” after a divorce.

Rethinking the Food Pyramid

For example, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, particularly the Food Guide Pyramid, encouraged Americans to adopt a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Ironically, the implementation of these guidelines coincided with the rise of obesity and diabetes epidemics. In the 30+ years since the Food Pyramid became widely accepted, metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes have reached alarming levels.

The Benefits of Low-Carb Diets

Significant research over the last decade suggests that cutting carbohydrates and increasing dietary fat — essentially the opposite of what the Food Pyramid advocates — may be effective for improving metabolic health. In 24 published trials comparing low-fat diets to low-carb diets, low-carb diets consistently outperformed low-fat diets in terms of improving metabolic risk factors.

We’re not advocating for one specific dietary approach over another, but it’s worth noting that conventional wisdom is not always fully based on the latest science.

Reevaluating Conventional Divorce Wisdom

Much like rethinking your diet and exercise routine, you may also have outdated or incorrect ideas about how your divorce should proceed. It’s important to challenge these assumptions and seek informed, up-to-date advice.

For a confidential consultation about your divorce, call the Fairfax Virginia divorce attorneys at DiPietro Law Group, PLLC, at (888) 530-4374. We can help you navigate this challenging time with clarity and compassion.

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