Life as an Empty Nester: How Your Relationship with Your Spouse Will Change

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Children bring ample stress to otherwise happy marriages, but they also have a way of drawing spouses closer together. Once the kids leave home, many couples struggle to relate to one another without the day-to-day obligations of child-rearing. Those who understand the inevitable changes of life as an empty nester may be better equipped to embrace this new chapter. At minimum, expect the following changes:

Pre-Existing Problems Become More Obvious

Marital problems don’t emerge out of thin air. Many empty nesters face deep divides long before their kids graduate. However, the frantic pace of daily life with teenagers often makes it easier to ignore these issues. Once the kids leave, long-standing marital problems come to the forefront and can no longer be swept under the rug.

Disagreements About Financial Obligations

Some empty nesters enjoy more disposable income, while others struggle to cover college tuition for multiple children. Both situations can cause stress. Parents may argue about the financial support of their grown children. Those without tuition obligations may still disagree on how to spend extra money, whether on vacations, cars, or other luxuries. Couples must work together to establish a new spending plan that benefits both and strengthens their financial future.

Determining a New Living Situation

Children take up space, and a house that once felt perfect for a family may seem unnecessarily large once they’ve left. Many empty nesters find themselves in disagreement about their ideal living situation. Some want to stay in the family home due to sentimental reasons, while others prefer to downsize or move to a new location. Some may even consider exploring new lifestyles, such as traveling the country in an RV.

Embracing Freedom

It’s not all doom and gloom for empty nesters. Arguments related to children fade, grocery shopping becomes less frequent, and the house stays cleaner for longer. With more free time, couples can rediscover spontaneity and focus on their relationship in ways that were often sidelined during child-rearing years. Couples who embrace the positive aspects of an empty nest are better able to navigate this transition and strengthen their marriage.

When Divorce Becomes the Next Step

Divorce after children leave home can be surprisingly complex. Let the experienced Maryland attorneys at DiPietro Law Group help you manage the details so you can confidently move forward with your life.

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