New Research Says These 5 Factors Can Predict Whether A Couple Will Get Divorced

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Divorce in Today’s Society

Few spouses enter marriage assuming they’ll one day divorce, and yet, dissolution remains common among today’s couples. Divorce is far from inevitable, however, especially for college-educated couples who marry after age 25. Curious as to your likelihood of divorce? Keep an eye out for these predictive factors:

Age at Marriage

Today’s young adults wait longer than ever to get married. As of 2015, the United States Census Bureau reported a median age at first marriage of 27.1 for women and 29.2 for men. Research indicates that later marriage actually benefits spouses; those who marry after 25 years old are less likely to eventually divorce. However, the opposite effect can occur after age 32; couples seem to benefit most from tying the knot in their late 20s.

Age Gaps Between Spouses

Whether young or old, spouses are less prone to divorce if they’re approximately the same age. Relationships with age gaps can work, but typically, both parties are at different stages of life—and this creates conflict. Researchers at Emory University’s Department of Economics claim that those with a 5-year age gap are 18 percent more likely to divorce; that rate increases to a shocking 95 percent for a 20-year gap.

Higher Education

College may account for today’s later marriages, but it also reduces the chances of divorce irrespective of age. This effect is particularly strong for women; 78 percent of females with their bachelor’s degree can expect to remain married for two decades, compared to just 41 percent of those with a high school diploma.

Religious Affiliation

Couples who identify as religious are less likely to view divorce as an option, and therefore, more likely to remain married when the going gets tough. Religious affiliation best protects against divorce when shared.

Lack of Sexual Experience

Controversial research from the National Survey of Family Growth indicates that those with limited sexual experience tend to stay married. This trend doesn’t apply across the board, however, as women with between three and nine partners are more likely to divorce than those with two partners. However, those with one partner or none at all before marriage are the most likely of all to remain married, and to report happy marriages.

Seek Strong Legal Support

Whether or not the above factors describe your marriage, you deserve strong legal support. Contact the Northern Virginia divorce lawyers at DiPietro Family Group today to schedule a case consultation.

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