The Disturbing Effects of Lengthy U.S. Military Involvement on Divorce Rates

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The Impact of Military Deployments on Divorce Rates

What effects do chronic military deployments have on Virginia divorce rates and on the health and wellbeing of military families? A new study offers shocking and sobering insights.

Since 2001, the U.S. Armed Services have been deployed at record rates in places as wide-ranging as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Central Africa. New research suggests that these lengthy deployments might be increasing the risk of divorce for service personnel.

Findings from the RAND Corporation and U.S. Department of Defense Study

The RAND Corporation, together with the U.S. Department of Defense, analyzed data from nearly 500,000 enlisted service members who married between 1999 and 2008 while they were actively in service. The study revealed two key findings:

  1. Service members deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan for at least a year had a 28% greater likelihood of getting divorced three years after marriage compared to those who were not deployed.
  2. Divorce rates for military personnel deployed after the 9/11 attacks were lower than those for service members who deployed before that day. Researchers speculated that post-9/11 enlistees might have been psychologically better equipped to handle the stresses of war, reducing their likelihood of divorce.

Trends in Military Divorce Rates

According to the Department of Defense, the divorce rate among service personnel has steadily climbed throughout the 21st century. A USA Today exposé found that the divorce rate peaked in 2011.

What’s Behind These Trends?

While the research provides compelling data, it also carries limitations. The study shows associations, but not definitive causes. People who go on long deployments clearly face a greater likelihood of getting divorced, but several other factors could be at play, such as:

  1. Individuals willing to go overseas for extended periods may, on average, be less social or less inclined to maintain long-term relationships.
  2. Deployment time might correlate with certain socioeconomic, emotional, or cognitive factors that could impact the likelihood of divorce.
  3. Long-term deployment in war zones increases the chance of suffering head injuries, which are known to raise the risk of divorce.

Conclusion: Every Case is Unique

While it’s fascinating to examine divorce in a larger context, each case is different and requires a sensitive analysis. The team at DiPietro Law Group, PLLC is ready to discuss your Northern Virginia divorce case in detail. Call us at (888) 530-4374 to schedule a consultation.

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