Virginia Divorce Attorneys Find Divorce Rates are Lower Than You Think

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Since divorce rates began to rise following the Women’s Rights movement, it has become common to worry about the rising divorce rate. Many people claim that marriage isn’t what it used to be, often referencing the statistic that 50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce.

The Truth About Current Divorce Rates

However, it’s simply not the case anymore that half of all marriages end in divorce. In fact, the divorce rate in the United States is dropping. About 70% of marriages that began in the 1990s are lasting 15 years or more. Marriages beginning in the 2000s appear even more likely to endure. If current trends continue, couples married in the 2000s will have only a 33% divorce rate.

Contributing Factors to the Decline in Divorce Rates

The reasons for this decline are complex. A lower divorce rate doesn’t necessarily mean that married couples are happier. Today, more people are getting married and having children later in life, which may contribute to longer-lasting marriages. As individuals become more mature and experienced, they may make more thoughtful decisions about entering marriage and raising children.

Divorce Rates by Socioeconomic Status

It’s important to note that the decline in divorce rates isn’t consistent across all demographics. College-educated couples are now less likely to divorce, while divorce rates among working-class individuals have remained around 50%. Additionally, the overall number of couples getting married has declined, making it difficult to fully explain these changes.

Future Trends in Marriage and Divorce

With same-sex marriage becoming legal in more states, lowered divorce rates are not the only changes happening to marriage today. This institution continues to evolve, and the next decade may bring entirely new and unexpected trends.

Need Legal Assistance?

If you need help with your divorce case, contact our experienced Fairfax divorce attorneys today at (888) 530-4374 to schedule a consultation. We offer compassionate, strategic guidance to help you navigate the process and regain peace of mind during this difficult time.

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