What Is Alternative Dispute Or ADR? | DiPietro Law Group, LLC

Video Overview

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) refers to options for resolving your case that don’t involve litigation. Litigation means going to court, presenting evidence, and having a judge decide the outcome of your case.

ADR provides alternatives like mediation, which involves a settlement negotiation with a neutral third party, known as a mediator. The mediator could be another attorney in the community or a retired judge. In mediation, you work through the issues and come up with a settlement agreement, rather than litigating in court.

Another form of ADR, though less common than mediation in family law cases, is the collaborative divorce process. In this process, you sit down with a team of neutral professionals who help guide you toward a final resolution.

At the end of the day, these settlement agreements are typically filed with the court, but they are not decided by the court.