Does Child Support End When the Child Turns 18?

Many people assume that child support payments end when the child reaches 18 years of age. Although this is true in many cases, there are some specific exceptions to bear in mind. Extensions Beyond 18 Through Divorce Agreements The terms of a divorce decree may extend the period of time for child support beyond the […]

How Parents of Different Religions Can Share Custody Effectively

Sharing custody of your minor children with your former spouse or partner can be challenging. Balancing work schedules, keeping the children’s best interests paramount, and dealing with any lingering tensions between you and your ex can complicate things. The Added Challenge of Different Religious Beliefs Things become even more complicated when you and your ex […]

Are There Special Rules Regarding Divorce for Military Families?

The Virginia and Washington, DC metropolitan area is home to a highly transient population, including numerous military personnel and their families. Some of these service members serve overseas, while others work domestically, and many do both. But what happens when a military family wants to get a divorce? Are there special rules or circumstances that […]

IRS Proposes Redefinition of Terms ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’

Changing Definition of Marriage in the U.S. Over the past five years, the definition of marriage has changed dramatically across the country. With the United States Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Windsor (2013), Section 3 of the Clinton Administration’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was declared unconstitutional. As a result, the Internal Revenue […]

The Differences Between Legal and Physical Child Custody in Virginia

In any custody dispute, both legal and physical custody must be determined. Parents may reach their own agreement, which must be approved by a court, or they can leave the determination to a judge. In most cases, custody will be shared in some form. To ensure parents secure what is most important to them—whether that’s […]

Is It Possible to Have Parental Rights Restored in Virginia?

The Impact of Termination of Parental Rights The termination of parental rights can be devastating for a parent who wishes to be a part of their child’s life. Although the procedure is time-consuming and not simple to navigate, it is possible to have parental rights restored in Virginia. An experienced attorney can be an invaluable […]

Is Divorce an End or a New Beginning?

Managing the Emotional Impact of Divorce Any divorce brings about a great deal of stress and uncertainty. Depending on the circumstances of how the relationship ended, your feelings may run the gamut from sadness to joy, liberation to confusion, or anywhere in between. These feelings may change over time, or they may amplify. Whether you […]

The Difference Between Remarriage and De-Facto Remarriage

Spousal Support After Divorce Upon the termination of a marriage, one spouse may have to pay spousal support to the ex-spouse as part of the divorce agreement. If circumstances change in the future, spousal support payments may be altered or cease altogether. One change of circumstances that will result in a change to spousal support […]

Remedies for Non-Payment of Child Support

The Importance of Child Support Payments Many families rely on child support payments to provide their children with the necessities of life. If these payments suddenly stop, the family may experience a significant hardship. Courts and legislatures have recognized how vital it is that child support payments are made regularly and on time, and have […]