Affording Your Child’s Athletic Future After Divorce
Anyone who watched the 2016 Summer Olympics or attended the Games in Brazil is aware of the tremendous costs associated with training for high-level competition. Through athlete interviews and commentaries, we learned that many American athletes come from divorced parents, and to afford their training, these athletes often worked long hours at minimum wage jobs […]
How To Handle The Holidays After Going Through an Incredibly Traumatic, Emotional Divorce
The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and family togetherness, but for newly divorced individuals, December can be uniquely painful. The excitement of the holiday season may be replaced with a sense of emptiness and reluctance to attend events aimed at couples and families. Keep the following suggestions in mind as you […]
Reflecting On 2016 And Learning Lessons About How to Protect Your Family In 2017
It’s hard to believe, but 2016 is quickly drawing to a close — and 2017 is fast approaching. If you’ve recently gone through a divorce, 2016 has been an undeniably difficult year. Despite your best efforts, your children have been exposed to numerous sources of stress and anxiety — and you firmly believe that they […]
Why you and your spouse may need a postnuptial agreement
Understanding Prenuptial Agreements Most people, particularly married ones, are familiar with what a prenuptial agreement is. In its most basic form, a prenuptial agreement is one between prospective spouses that sets out the rights and obligations of the spouses. Typically, a prenuptial agreement centers on which spouse is entitled to what assets and/or property in […]
Custody Agreements in Same-Sex Marriages
Gay and lesbian couples face many of the same issues as straight couples when deciding the terms of their divorce or breakup. Dividing property and assets is stressful for everyone. However, custody arrangements for children can be more complicated for LGBT couples because the law can be terribly unfair to same-sex parents. Legal Complications for […]
Contempt of Court as a Tool To Enforce Divorce Decrees
If a divorce decree is being violated, it may be tempting to try and force your ex-spouse to comply with the terms of the agreement. However, the best remedy for the suffering spouse is to go to court as soon as possible with an experienced attorney on their side. Examples of Contempt of Court in […]
What Are Adult Adoptions And Why Might a Person Consider One?
Understanding Adult Adoption When most people think of adoption, they envision adopting a baby or young child, sometimes even from foreign countries. We typically do not consider the possibility of adopting an adult. It is, however, possible. Who Can Be Adopted in Virginia? In Virginia, only certain individuals over the age of 18 can legally […]
What To Do With The Family Home In My Virginia Divorce?
Property Division in Divorce One of the stickiest issues during divorce is almost always how property or assets will be divided among spouses. Especially in high asset divorce cases. Both of you probably have an idea of what you think you are entitled to. Often, this idea conflicts with your soon-to-be ex-spouse’s idea of what […]
Maryland Divorce Law 101: 5 Peculiar Aspects about How the Process Works in the Old Line State
The divorce process differs considerably from one state to the next, so it is important to understand the peculiarities of divorce in your home state before you proceed. Detailed below are a few of the unique aspects of divorce you’ll encounter in Maryland: Legal separation is often referred to as limited divorce. In most states, […]