As Assisted Reproduction Technology Improves, What New Legal Challenges Will Emerge?

From in vitro fertilization to tubal embryo transfer, assisted reproduction technology (ART) allows a wide range of individuals to build families on their terms. Unfortunately, ART prompts a variety of legal issues. As new technology emerges, legal questions become all the more complicated. Keep an eye out for the following challenges accompanying future ART improvements: […]

Why a Solid Estate Plan is Even More Critical if You’re Getting Divorced

Most people understand the importance of getting good legal advice from a divorce attorney when they are going to separate from their spouse. Yet many may not recognize the need for legal guidance from an estate-planning attorney in that situation. It’s important. Ideally, you and your spouse have a good estate plan in place, especially […]

How Proposed Changes to United States Tax Law Could Impact Divorce

As Congress pores over prospective tax cuts, worried Americans obsessively analyze the impact these changes might have on the middle class. Projections offer extensive insight on future tax returns, but with the assumption that those impacted by upcoming changes are either single or married. What about divorced taxpayers? Turns out, some divorcees could see significant […]

The Unique Aspects of Millennial Divorce

Although stereotyped as the cohabitation generation, Millennials aspire to marriage. They’re less likely to divorce than Generation X and Baby Boomer spouses, and when they do separate, the process looks vastly different than it did in the past. Increased Likelihood of Prenuptial Agreements Divorce differences between generations begin long before couples choose to split. In […]

Rebooting Your Career During a Divorce – Making Time for Deep Work

Divorce combined with career transition makes for major stress, but also presents an exciting opportunity to pursue your professional destiny. As you seek a newly focused and more fulfilling career path, heed the wisdom of Cal Newport. In Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, Newport argues that professionals perform best when […]

Obsessive, Racing Thoughts About Your Divorce: Here’s What You Can Do

Managing the Mental Burden of Divorce: Simple Steps for Relief The moment you filed for divorce, you suffered constant mental chatter. Suddenly, questions raced through your head, preventing you from enjoying a full night’s sleep. You’re certainly not alone; many divorcees worry about custody, finances, even their romantic future. Lingering questions can destroy your sanity, […]

What If Your Spouse Is Consistently Late With Alimony or Child Support?

Dealing With Late or Missing Child and Spousal Support Payments Fed up with your spouse’s failure to pay child or spousal support on time? You’re certainly not alone. Data from the United States Census Bureau indicate that less than half of those who owe child support actually bother to pay the full amount. Others eventually […]

Helping Your Child Cope With Anxiety During Your Divorce

Anxiety in Children During Divorce: How to Help Them Cope Anxiety disorders have reached epidemic proportions among today’s youth; the National Institute of Mental Health reports that anxiety impacts 25.1 percent of those between the ages of 13 and 18. Research suggests that divorce can complicate existing behavioral disorders as well as spark symptoms in […]