Managing Divorce, Children & The Holidays: Helpful Tips
Navigating Divorce During the Holidays Divorce can be a difficult journey, regardless of what time of year it may occur. However, the holidays can and often do make for added challenges when it comes to navigating new arrangements – especially when younger children are involved. Whether you have a divorce case pending during the holidays, […]
Religious Considerations in Divorce Cases
In general, marriage and divorce are governed by secular state laws. Although these laws may have had roots in religious practice and customs, divorce in the United States is considered a non-religious, legal matter. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits laws that recognize an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise […]
International Custody & The Hague Abduction Convention
With remarkable advances in communications and travel technology, the world seems to shrink in size. Today, it is common for people from different countries to meet, fall in love, and start a family. However, when marital disputes necessitate legal solutions, the different laws and values of the parties’ respective countries come into play. This can […]
Are Personal Injury Damages Marital Property?
Property Division in General When a couple gets divorced, courts are tasked with determining how the property, assets, and liabilities they acquired together should be divided. Most states determine the division of marital assets according to principles of “equitable distribution.” Other states divide assets under the “community property” system of dividing property upon divorce. In […]
Family Law Issues & Immigration Marriage and Immigration
A foreign individual who marries a U.S. Citizen can immigrate to the United States and obtain Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status. An immigrant with LPR status is not a U.S. citizen, but has the right to reside in the country and is entitled to various legal protections. Because Lawful Permanent Residents may still be citizens […]
The Problem of Parental Kidnapping
Custody disputes over a minor child are one of the most emotionally intense legal battles known to the practice of family law. Unfortunately, the acrimony and desperation between parents can devolve into extreme measures, such as kidnapping. When a parent abducts or hides their child to interfere with the other parent’s custody rights, it is […]
Frequently Asked Questions About Assisted Reproduction Methods
What Is Assisted Reproduction Technology? In general, assisted reproduction technology (ART) involves unconventional methods of having a baby using embryonic material that is artificially manipulated to conceive a child. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define ART to include “all fertility treatments in which both eggs and embryos are handled.” ART procedures generally involve […]
How Are Lottery Winnings Treated in Divorce?
Property Division Issues One of the most significant divorce issues that winning the lottery can impact involves property division. Depending on where you live, a court divides property you and your spouse acquire during marriage according to either “community property” or “equitable distribution” principles. If you live on the East Coast and filed for divorce […]
How Divorce Affects Inheritance Rights
What is Inheritance? Inheritance generally refers to any money or property a person receives upon someone’s death. Usually property and money gets passed to others after someone dies through an estate plan and/or a process known as “probate.” If there is any property that isn’t administered per the express terms of a will or other […]