Surprising Reasons Your Ex May Have Stopped Paying Child Support or Alimony – And What to Do About It

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A promising child or spousal support agreement provides no guarantee of actually receiving that support. Shocking statistics from the United States Census Bureau indicate that a whopping 25.1% of custodial mothers and 32% of custodial fathers did not receive the support they were awarded in 2011. Reasons for failing to pay vary; some ex-spouses mismanage their money, while others refuse to pay out of deep-seated animosity. Sometimes, the reasons behind non-payment are even more surprising, as evidenced below.

Forgetfulness: It seems crazy, but forgetfulness lies behind a shocking number of missed support payments. This is especially true in the first few months following divorce. It’s not easy to organize a brand-new life after divorce; in the midst of such chaos, support payments can get lost in the shuffle. Encourage your ex to pay via direct deposit, available through the Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement.

You Live with a New Partner: In some states, spouses cannot be required to pay spousal support if the recipient moves in with a significant other. As a resident of Virginia, you may no longer be eligible. Virginia Code 20-109(A) allows for spousal support termination if your ex can prove that you’ve cohabited with somebody else in a “relationship analogous to a marriage for one year or more.”

Moving Abroad: Many ex-spouses take drastic measures to avoid support payments and other divorce complications. Some even flee the country. Domestic enforcement is frustrating enough; it becomes that much more complicated when an international move comes into play. A family attorney with experience in international affairs can help you work with the Office of Child Support Enforcement to secure owed payments.

Men’s Rights Movement: Increasingly, divorced fathers are standing up against perceived injustice in divorce proceedings. They’re upset that mothers typically achieve custody in disputed cases. Some take a drastic approach to voicing their objection: They refuse to pay child support or spousal support. Politics aside, this person is obligated to comply with existing orders until the court grants a modification. Options for retrieving owed support could include wage garnishment, tax return interception, or liens.

How DiPietro Law Group, PLLC Can Help

A heavy-handed approach isn’t always the best response to child and spousal support non-payment in Virginia. If you’re on the hunt for a creative solution, don’t hesitate to contact DiPietro Law Group, LLC. With our help, you and your ex can secure a mutually beneficial outcome that reflects your chief priority: the wellbeing of your children. Call us today at (888) 530-4374.

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