The Emotional and Psychological Challenges of Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most emotionally and psychologically challenging times in one’s life. Divorce commonly affects numerous aspects of life simultaneously, including finances, social life, parenting, career, and where one lives. Aside from the stress associated with these major life changes, divorcing couples must deal with the emotional pain of losing a spouse and other feelings associated with a failed marriage. Divorce can also be emotionally taxing on any minor children whose parents are in the divorce process. For these reasons, therapy can be highly beneficial for all parties involved in a divorce.
The Emotional Nature of Divorce
Isn’t divorce a legal process? Yes, but it is also a highly emotional process. Every decision that you make regarding spousal support or alimony, child custody, child support, property division, and how contentious the divorce will be is filtered through emotional lenses.
Different Emotional Perspectives in Divorce
If your spouse decided to divorce you, you will filter your decision-making through a different set of emotions than if you decided to divorce your spouse. No matter what the case may be, divorce can be challenging and difficult.
The Role of a Therapist During Divorce
While a good lawyer can provide guidance on a variety of different topics, attorneys are generally not trained to deal with the emotions of others. This is why during a divorce, you should not only hire an attorney to walk you through the legal aspects of your case, but a mental health professional who can help you navigate your emotions as well.
Legal Benefits of Therapy During Divorce
Visiting a therapist during your divorce can also have significant legal consequences. Although judges know how difficult a divorce can be, they prefer that couples come to court ready to try their case. By working through your emotional struggles with a trained therapist and gaining coping mechanisms, you can go to court with a level head and avoid heated arguments with your spouse and/or their attorney.
Financial Advantages of Therapy
Working with a therapist can also save you money. Lawyers typically charge more than therapists. In addition, many therapeutic services are covered by health insurance, requiring only a nominal co-pay. Discussing your emotions with a trained professional rather than venting to your attorney can be highly cost-effective during your divorce.
Better Legal Decisions Through Therapy
Dealing with your emotions outside the courtroom also leads to better legal decisions. Too often, divorcing individuals make poor choices regarding financial matters (alimony, child support, division of property, etc.) because these decisions are emotionally charged. Working with a therapist will enable you to make appropriate and practical choices when it comes time to draft your marital settlement agreement.
The Positive Impact of Therapy
Emotions play a significant role in our daily interactions and decision-making. Hiring a therapist to join your divorce team can have a positive impact on you and your case.
Contact DiPietro Law Group for Assistance
If you need assistance with your divorce case, contact our experienced DiPietro Law Group Attorneys today at (888) 530-4374 to schedule a consultation. We can provide compassionate, strategic help throughout the process and give you back peace of mind and the strength to rebound from your crisis.