Is It Possible to Predict Whether You’ll Get a Virginia Divorce with an Accuracy of 94%?

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The Curiosity Behind Divorce Predictions

Whether you’re already separated and contemplating a Virginia divorce, or your marriage is just “on the rocks,” you’re probably curious to understand why people get divorced in the first place. Dr. John Gottman of the Gottman Relationship Institute has conducted intriguing research that aims to answer the age-old question: “how can you tell whether a couple will get divorced or stay together?”

Dr. Gottman’s Predictive Research on Divorce

Dr. Gottman claims that his methods can predict a couple’s divorce with an accuracy rate of 94%, based on a study he conducted in 1992. Over the years, he has conducted seven studies on couples, examining three groups:

  1. Couples that got divorced
  2. Couples that stayed together happily
  3. Couples that stayed together unhappily

The Studies and Findings

According to the Gottman Relationship Institute’s website:

“Six to seven studies have been predictive — each began with a hypothesis about factors leading to divorce… Dr. Gottman… followed the couples for a pre-determined length of time. Finally, he drew conclusions about the accuracy of his predictions.”

Dr. Gottman compared his results with other theoretical models. His research, supported by groups like the Rand Congress Group at Iowa State University and Julia Babcock at the University of Houston, helped develop a theory of marriage hygiene called the “Sound Relationship House Theory.”

What’s Next?

We’ll discuss the “Sound Relationship House Theory” in more detail in our next blog post. For now, if you need help understanding your rights, responsibilities, and obligations regarding your separation, contact the experienced and highly qualified Northern Virginia divorce attorneys at DiPietro Law Group, PLLC today at (888) 530-4374.

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