How Public Figures Can Retain Privacy During Divorce

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There’s no such thing as an easy divorce, but public figures stand to lose the most during this devastating process. In addition to the usual custody, visitation, and alimony concerns, you face significant damage to your reputation as well. News of your split may prove particularly harmful if you work in government or are currently campaigning for election.

No matter the nature of your fame, you risk media intrusion and public scrutiny. Your children and other family members may suffer in the onslaught. As a public figure, it behooves you to keep as quiet as possible as you seek divorce. Of course, this is easier said than done. The following strategies will help you keep sensitive matters out of the public eye:

Alternative Dispute Resolution

In Georgia, court-based divorces are a matter of public record. If you and your spouse duke it out in court, you can count on seeing your name in the paper. If, however, you resolve your differences through mediation or collaboration, you may succeed in protecting sensitive details.

Sealing Divorce Records

In select circumstances, it’s possible to seal divorce-related court records. This is most likely if you have children who could suffer from the release of sensitive information. In such cases, courts typically only seal the portions of the divorce agreement that relate to or would directly impact the couple’s children.

Georgia case history indicates broad discretion among judges. Sealed records are far from impossible to achieve; for example, a 2012 issue of The Augusta Chronicle highlights a sealed case involving a divorcee who furnished alcohol to and later sexually assaulted a minor.

Other Options for Keeping Quiet

If your divorce ends up in court and you fail to secure sealed records, you aren’t completely out of luck. Your conduct during the divorce process can minimize public scrutiny. Avoid all mention of your divorce on social media or while in the public eye. If reporters catch wind of your divorce and ask your opinion, respond with a simple, “No comment.” The less attention you draw to your divorce, the less likely the public is to make a spectacle of it.

As a public figure, you deserve full discretion during your Georgia divorce. You can count on DiPietro Law Group, PLLC for sensitive legal support through every step of the divorce process. Contact us at (888) 530-4374.