Virginia Child Custody Attorneys Discuss Domestic Violence Law in Light of Adrian Peterson Story

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Custody and Visitation in Abuse Cases

Custody and visitation matters involving abuse are often complex and difficult to resolve. When a parent causes substantial physical or emotional harm to a child, the legal system may deny custody rights and significantly restrict or even deny visitation rights.

The Adrian Peterson Case and Child Abuse Allegations

The high-profile suspension of Adrian Peterson, a Minnesota Vikings running back, underscores the severe consequences that can arise from child abuse accusations. The NFL has struggled to respond, suspending, reinstating, and then re-suspending Peterson as he awaits trial. He is accused of injuring his 4-year-old son by striking him with a “switch,” or tree branch, while making the boy hold leaves in his mouth.

Domestic Violence Law in Virginia

In Virginia, violence against any family member — including a spouse, child, or other household members — is considered a crime. Several actions can constitute domestic violence, including:

  1. Force.
    Compelling someone to do something against their will through the use of force is considered abuse.
  2. Violence.
    Physically striking or intentionally causing harm to a family member is illegal.
  3. Threats.
    Using threatening language to menace or suggest bodily harm is also a criminal offense in Virginia.

Legal Consequences of Domestic Violence in Child Custody Cases

If authorities determine that a parent has been abusive, they may issue a preliminary protective order or restraining order to prevent the parent from contacting the child. Violating these orders can result in:

  • Jail time
  • Fines
  • Probation
  • Other penalties

These legal consequences can have a major impact on child custody cases. For instance, a parent who loses the legal right to go near their child cannot live in the same home, even if they remain married to the other parent.

Need Help with a Child Custody Case Involving Abuse?

If your family is involved in a child custody case that includes allegations of abuse, it’s essential to have experienced legal representation. Contact the compassionate Virginia family law attorneys at DiPietro Law Group, PLLC at (888) 530-4374 to schedule a confidential consultation about your options.

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