4 Steps for Handling the Delicate Issue of Pet Ownership After a Divorce

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Pets can play an essential role in bringing couples and families closer. However, when a couple goes through a Virginia divorce, deciding who gets the pet, when, how, and under what conditions can become a significant source of conflict, rivaling even child custody disputes. Here are four steps to help manage the emotionally charged issue of pet custody:

1. Keep the Animal’s Best Interest in Mind

When making decisions about pet custody, prioritize the animal’s comfort and happiness. For example, if you and your spouse are moving to different cities, it might be tempting to create a pet-sharing arrangement where the pet travels back and forth between the two locations. However, constant moving can be confusing and stressful for the pet. Instead, consider a plan that better suits the pet’s needs and well-being.

2. Be Flexible on Other Negotiation Points

If pet custody is a priority for you, consider being flexible in other areas of negotiation. For example, you might allow your spouse to keep more of the wedding gifts, such as china or flatware, or make concessions in other areas. By identifying what you are willing to compromise on, you can find ways to create a “win-win-win” solution for yourself, your spouse, and your pet.

3. Consider Getting Another Pet When You’re Ready

If your spouse ends up with the pet because they have a more suitable living environment, such as a large house with a yard, you might want to consider adopting another pet when the time feels right. Choose a pet that is better suited to your living situation, like a smaller pet that fits more comfortably into an urban environment.

4. Maintain a Friendly and Flexible Approach

The pet-sharing plan you initially agree to during the first weeks or months of separation may not be the long-term solution. By maintaining a cooperative and respectful attitude toward your spouse, you can avoid escalating tensions. Flexibility and trust in each other as negotiating partners will make it easier to adjust pet custody arrangements as needed over time.

For help navigating the complexities of separation and divorce, contact the experienced Fairfax, Virginia divorce lawyers at DiPietro Law Group, PLLC. Call us at (888) 530-4374 for a confidential and thorough consultation to discuss your next steps.

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