Divorce and the Implications for Social Security Benefits

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The financial impact of divorce goes beyond alimony and child support to potentially affect Social Security benefits. These implications can vary significantly depending on how long the couple was married. In some cases, ex-spouses may be eligible for benefits that exceed what they would have received based on their own income. Read on to learn if you’re eligible and how much you could expect to receive if you qualify.

Am I Eligible?

As a divorced Social Security recipient, you may be eligible for your former spouse’s benefits if:

  1. You were married for at least ten years,
  2. You are currently at least 62 years old,
  3. Your own entitlements are lower than the value of your former spouse’s Social Security or disability benefits.

If you remarry, you will lose your entitlement to your ex-spouse’s benefits unless you remarry after age 60, or the subsequent marriage ends in annulment, divorce, or the death of your second spouse.

How Benefits Work

If you are eligible for Social Security benefits through your ex-spouse, you can expect to receive half of the value of your former spouse’s retirement benefits. Importantly, your eligibility does not reduce your ex-spouse’s benefits, nor does it affect the benefits of your ex’s current spouse. Even if your ex fails to apply for retirement benefits, you can still apply and receive benefits based on their earnings record.

Benefits for Surviving Divorced Spouses

If your former spouse passed away after your divorce, you may be eligible for the same benefits a widow or widower would receive. To qualify, you must have been married for at least ten years, unless you are currently caring for a child under 16 that you had with your ex-spouse. As a surviving divorced spouse, you may be entitled to up to 100 percent of your former spouse’s benefit amount. In rare cases, you may also qualify for a special lump-sum payment of $255.

Planning for the Future

As you navigate the immediate changes brought on by divorce, it’s essential to keep retirement in mind and plan for the long-term impact. Learn more about how divorce could affect your Social Security benefits.

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