Don’t Sprint to Your Final Divorce Decree – Good Agreements Make for Better Holidays

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To officially divorce, you and your spouse will need a final divorce decree issued by a judge. In an uncontested divorce, this requires reaching an agreement with your spouse that is filed with the court. The agreement will outline who gets what property, which accounts each person will keep, and most importantly, how custodial time with the children will be shared. To ensure everything is handled correctly, it’s essential to consult an experienced Northern Virginia divorce attorney.

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Avoid Rushing the Process

Many couples who are separated are eager to finalize their divorce as quickly as possible. However, focusing solely on the finish line instead of carefully navigating the process can lead to several pitfalls:

  • Overlooked Assets: Rushing through the divorce may result in missing hidden assets or waiving rights to property you’re entitled to.
  • Ill-Considered Agreements: A hastily made agreement can fail to address the unique needs of your family, leaving room for future disputes over vague or incomplete terms.

When working with your Northern Virginia family law attorney, ensure your agreement is one that both you and your spouse can live with—one that leaves little room for misinterpretation or conflict.

Addressing Custodial Time and Holidays

If you have children, ensuring that the custodial time reflects what both you and your spouse had in mind is crucial. With holidays approaching, many divorcing couples realize too late that holiday custodial arrangements and visitation weren’t properly accounted for in their agreement, leading to stress over how to split time fairly.

While parents often focus on daily custodial schedules, such as gaining extra overnights or evenings, it’s common to overlook the nuances of holidays. For example, deciding who will have the children during early school dismissal before Thanksgiving can become a point of contention if not explicitly covered in the agreement.

Planning for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Taking the time to collaborate with your spouse on a comprehensive and detailed agreement will not only reduce stress during the holidays but will also minimize conflict for your children. Working with an experienced Northern Virginia divorce, custody, and visitation lawyer ensures that all the necessary details are considered and that your agreement accurately reflects your intent.

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