Report Finds Increased Divorce Rates for Couples over 50

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According to an article recently published by The Huffington Post, there was new data released by the U.S. Census American Community Survey that revealed the increase of divorce in people 50 and older. Although the data does not reveal why divorce is on the rise for this age group, there have been studies providing educated insight into why this is happening for people over the age of 50.

Although this data generalizes the 50-and-over population, there are factors contributing to the likelihood of the risk for divorce. Different components will influence the chances for divorce, like; college education, financial stability, race, endurance of the relationship, involvement of children and other influential factors impacting the “marital biography”.

According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, author of this article, “The least likely to divorce have a college education. Higher education brings with it (on average) greater economic resources which, in turn, buffers a couple from some of the strains that contribute to marital breakups. People who graduate from college also tend to marry later, another plus when it comes to a relationship’s longevity. Race plays a role as well, as Blacks have higher divorce rates, even in later life, than Whites or Hispanics.”

Every marriage has risks involved that could potentially lead to divorce. DiPietro Family Law Group has experience in many different divorce circumstances. If you are considering a divorce, please reach out to us, and we can help guide you through the process and protect your interests.

Categories:  Divorce

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