Finding an Attorney Who Understands Complex Property Distribution in a Divorce

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If you and your spouse have extensive marital assets and property to divide in a divorce, how do you go about separating joint property from sole property and splitting it fairly? Learn the steps to finding the right attorney for complex property distribution in a divorce.

1. Look for Attorneys Who Partner with Financial Advisors

Dividing marital property and protecting separate property can be complicated in any divorce case. But when you and your spouse share a large amount of money, assets, property, and business ventures, you’ll likely need the help of a financial advisor and an attorney.

Attorneys experienced in complex property distribution in a divorce typically have financial advisors on their legal teams specifically to help with intricate financial situations. Alternatively, they may have CFAs on call to check their work or answer specific questions.

When an attorney partners closely with financial advisors, it shows that they have the right strategies to assist you well.

2. Understand an Attorney’s Experience

Many family law attorneys have experience with divorce cases, but not all are well-versed in complex property distribution. As you search through attorneys in your area, evaluate their experience to know whether they are right for your case.

Some attorneys discuss their experience on their websites. You may be able to see examples of specific high-value divorce cases an attorney was involved in.

If you can’t find this information online, you can always call and speak with a member of the legal team to learn more about their credentials.

3. Look for “High-Asset Divorce” Attorneys

Attorneys who advertise a “high-asset divorce” practice area typically have experience with complex property distributions, often including:

  • Real estate
  • Businesses
  • Non-traditional shared assets

While not all complicated property distribution cases involve high-net-worth couples, this practice area can indicate that an attorney has the right skills and resources to assist with other elaborate divorces.

4. Schedule Consultations and Strategy Sessions

Even if an attorney is experienced in complex property distributions, they may not be right for your needs. Scheduling consultations with a few attorneys can help you narrow your options further.

Many attorneys offer free consultations or strategy sessions where you can discuss your case and learn how an attorney can help you. During your strategy session, you can also evaluate an attorney’s communication style to determine whether they are a good fit.

Sharing a few details about your divorce process and evaluating how the attorney responds can also be helpful. If an attorney seems overwhelmed or confused by the property in the marital estate, they may not be able to provide the reliable guidance you need.

Contact a Virginia Divorce Lawyer Experienced in Complex Property Distribution

If you’re looking for a skilled attorney team to assist with complex property distribution in a divorce, look no further than DiPietro Law Group. Our team has helped numerous couples navigate complex and high-asset property distributions while protecting their wealth.

Contact us today at 888-530-4374 to schedule a consultation.

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