How to Use Your Journal to Make the Divorce Process Simpler, Less Costly and Less Likely to Lead to Litigation

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The Benefits of Journaling During Divorce

Journaling is a good habit for a number of reasons, but one lesser-known benefit is that it could help you simplify the divorce process. Specific dates are important to establish in a court of law, and referring to your journal can be a great tool for nailing down these details with a high level of certainty. Although a divorce might make you a bit reluctant to revisit the past, your journal and other personal records can simplify the legal process through the following applications.

Create a Timeline

Use an old calendar or create a chart that neatly transcribes major, relevant events referenced in your journal. For example, if you wrote about purchasing a new car five years ago, you can determine the exact date and, as a result, more effectively locate evidence to support your claims. For example, tracking down the exact date of a major purchase with your own money can make it easier to locate necessary bank statements, emails, and other paper trails to serve as evidence. Having a simplified timeline right in front of you can also foster making connections between life events.

Put Forth as Evidence Itself

Although a person’s journal is inherently subjective and prone to fraud, it may be used alongside supporting evidence in a court of law. However, you’ll want to make sure not to put anything forward that could be used against you. For example, you should make an effort to redact derogatory comments, editorialized “rants” about certain events, and any information that is not directly relevant to the case.

Record-Keeping for Potential Future Disputes

The time between filing your divorce petition and the conclusion of your divorce can stretch on for longer than you think. Meanwhile, you and your spouse will continue to interact and likely get involved in additional disputes. Keep records of relevant interactions and details during this period, since they could prove useful during the litigation process. Whenever possible, include direct quotes, dates, and times to ensure a high level of accuracy.

Seeking Legal Assistance

The experienced attorneys at DiPietro Family Law Group are prepared to answer any questions you might have about best journaling methods and how to establish your journal entries with appropriate evidence. We encourage you to call us at (888) 530-4374 for further help.

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