Infectious Power of Divorce

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A recent study conducted by the Social Science Research Network and highlighted by the Pew Research Center explores the idea that divorce can be “infectious.” While this study was conducted with a small group of participants and does not represent the entire population, it provides insightful data on the likelihood of divorce and its connection to family and friends within social networks.

The Contagion of Divorce

The study found that divorced individuals are more likely to choose a new partner who has also experienced divorce. Additionally, individuals with a larger social circle are less likely to separate from their spouse than those with fewer friends. The study revealed:

  • There is a 77% chance of divorce if you have a friend who is divorced.
  • There is a 33% chance of divorce if you have a friend of a friend who is divorced.

Research facilitator Rose McDermott explained, “The contagion of divorce can spread through a social network like a rumor, affecting friends up to two degrees removed.” Divorce not only affects those directly involved, but it can also have a far-reaching impact on others within the social network, even those less closely connected to you and your marriage.

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