Reflecting On 2016 And Learning Lessons About How to Protect Your Family In 2017

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It’s hard to believe, but 2016 is quickly drawing to a close — and 2017 is fast approaching. If you’ve recently gone through a divorce, 2016 has been an undeniably difficult year. Despite your best efforts, your children have been exposed to numerous sources of stress and anxiety — and you firmly believe that they deserve better. You can’t go back in time and fix 2016, but you can use the lessons you’ve learned to ensure a better 2017.

Be Honest About Your Mistakes, But Forgive Yourself

You handled a difficult situation as best you could in 2016, but you want to do better in the future. In order to move forward, you’ll need to forgive — but not forget. Make a list of things you wish you would have handled better, along with ideas for how to tackle similar situations in the future. As you learn to forgive yourself, extend that forgiveness to others and set a good example for your children.

Commit to Stability

Even the most amicable divorces are stressful for children, as they involve significant upheaval. Now that the bulk of the changes have occurred, it is up to you and your ex to maintain as much stability as possible. Yes, your child may have to travel back and forth between parents, but the more equipped you are to stick to a schedule, the more at easy your children will feel. Try your best to maintain stability in all other facets of life, including school, extracurricular activities, and family traditions.

Don’t Make Big Promises You Can’t Keep

Whether you’re crafting New Year’s resolutions, or making big promises for your children, it’s human nature to promise the impossible. Your children have experienced enough letdowns and shattered expectations as is, so do not let your optimism for the new year convince you to unfairly lead them on.

Divorce and the new year both bring about fresh starts and the chance to be a better, happier person. Embrace the future, but don’t forget the past. A safe and healthy family begins with a parent’s healthy mentality, so commit to working on yourself, and get ready for an amazing 2017.

The right legal team can address both your lingering legal issues from 2016, and any new concerns that arise as you move into 2017. Contact DiPietro Family Law today to learn more about the Maryland divorce process.

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