Afraid to Speak Out or Get Help For Domestic Violence? Listen to These Five Podcasts

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Domestic Violence Statistics

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, ten million United States residents suffer physical abuse from an intimate partner every year. This equates to a shocking twenty victims per minute. Sadly, many suffer for years, even decades before finding the courage to leave.

Resources for Domestic Violence Victims

Thankfully, a variety of resources let victims know they’re not alone. Podcasts can prove especially helpful, as you’ll discover when you add these five titles to your playlist:

1. The Domestic Abuse Project Podcast

The Domestic Abuse Project’s regular broadcasts offer stories of hope, along with insight into the myths and misconceptions that keep spouses trapped in abusive relationships.

2. Stuff Mom Never Told You: Domestic Violence 101

Although just a single episode from the vast Stuff Mom Never Told You collection, this podcast offers ample information and advice. You’ll learn why you and so many others struggle to leave abusive relationships. The podcast also details the long-term health consequences you could suffer if you fail to seek help.

3. 2btrue2you

Targeted at domestic violence survivors and those currently in abusive relationships, 2btrue2you offers a valuable source of emotional support and strength. The podcast unfortunately ceased producing new episodes in 2015, but existing broadcasts remain accessible online—and they’re still amazing for working through guilt and other strong emotions.

4. Laura’s House

The Laura’s House podcast explores several manifestations of abuse, including violence in teenage dating, among seniors, and in a variety of other populations. The podcast also offers updates on Laura’s House, a domestic violence center that offers shelter and numerous resources for victims and their loved ones.

5. National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Although not specifically targeted at victims of domestic abuse, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s collection of podcasts may prove enlightening for those who suffer violence at home. Episodes cover later-in-life abuse, preventative efforts, and bystander intervention.

Seeking Help Safely

When downloading podcasts, consider choosing an innocuous file name so as not to arouse the suspicion of your abusive partner. If the aforementioned podcasts inspire you to seek help, call a hotline or your local family law attorney.

Legal Options for Domestic Violence Victims

Don’t let fear prevent you from striving for a better life. Contact DiPietro Family Law Group to learn more about your legal options.

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