Why Hire a Divorce Attorney?

Divorce is Complicated

The prospect of divorce is scary. You and your spouse are going through a very difficult time in your lives and the circumstances can be made even more difficult when there are children involved. The legal issues surrounding a divorce can be very complex. Division of assets, child custody, child support and spousal support are just a few of the issues you may be faced with if you file for divorce in Virginia.

Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

Hiring a divorce lawyer is not an easy decision. You may be concerned about adding fuel to the fire and making your spouse angry. You may think that you can sort through the legal issues of a divorce on your own, without the help of a lawyer. These are legitimate concerns. Under the right circumstances, a divorce can be handled without a lawyer. However, most divorces involve emotional, financial, and legal issues that require the assistance of a qualified divorce lawyer to protect your interests going forward into the next phase of your life.

When You Should Hire a Divorce Lawyer

If there are problems with any kind of abuse; spousal, child, sexual or substance, you should consult with a divorce lawyer. If you are fearful that your spouse might harm you, take steps to protect yourself right away. You may consider a temporary restraining order to protect yourself and your children.

You should hire a divorce lawyer if your spouse has hired a lawyer. You would be at a disadvantage dealing with an experienced divorce lawyer without representation of your own.

Hiring the Right Divorce Lawyer

It is critical for you to hire the right divorce lawyer for your situation. If you and your spouse have a complex financial situation and a high net worth household, you want to make sure that you hire a divorce lawyer with experience in dealing with complex financial matters.

If you and your spouse are open to a less confrontational and more productive process, you might want to find a divorce lawyer who is trained in Collaborative Practice. Collaborative Practice is a no-court divorce model that often involves a lawyer, financial planner and mental health professional working with you and your spouse towards a lasting, durable agreement.

Some divorce lawyers take a very aggressive approach. This can often lead to both sides digging in even deeper and often leads to a long, drawn-out battle that leaves both sides emotionally and financially spent.

If you decide that you need to hire a divorce lawyer, take the time to find a lawyer that suits your personality and has the requisite experience dealing with situations like yours. Contact the experienced Virginia divorce lawyers at DiPietro Law Group today for more information about divorce in Virginia or the District of Columbia.

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