Divorce is, by nature, a period of vulnerability. You’re thrown head-first into a situation you don’t understand, and constantly forced to face the questions (and pity) of those you love. In such circumstances, you may be reluctant to voice your concerns about various aspects of the divorce process. Highlighted below are the answers to child custody and child support questions that you’ve been too embarrassed to ask:
- What happens if my child doesn’t want to see me?
If, as the noncustodial parent, you are having trouble getting your child to visit you, there’s little you can do. It’s tempting to blame the custodial parent’s influence, but typically, kids are simply more interested in their friends than seeing their parents, which may feel like a chore. It’s fine to bring up your concerns with your kids, but ultimately, it is their decision to make — and forcing the matter will not make them any more eager to spend time with you.
- Do I have to pay child support if I’m unemployed?
Your obligation to pay child support remains the same whether or not you are employed. You may, however, be able to obtain a modification to your child support plan if you are already paying child support. If you have not begun to pay child support and are unemployed or if you quit your job in an effort to cease all child support payments, the Court, at its discretion may impute income to you based on your income prior to becoming unemployed.
- Can I get out of child support payments by filing for bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy will only free you of certain types of debt — and child support is not one of them. No matter how broke you are at the moment, you’ll still need to pay child support. However, bankruptcy can free you of other debt burdens and make it easier for you to cover required child support payments.
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- What if I don’t want custody?
In most cases, both parents fight long and hard for child custody. However, there are plenty of parents who do not desire physical or legal custody — social stigma simply prevents them from speaking out. You are allowed to concede custody to your ex-spouse. If neither spouse desires primary custody, the typical solution is for the Court to award joint physical and legal custody.
- Will my Facebook page ruin my chances of gaining custody?
Social media is increasingly used as evidence in child custody cases. It is not wise to take the bait of an ex-spouse trying to get a rise out of you online. If you have old posts featuring behaviors that make your ex think you’re unfit for custody, it is not a good idea to simply delete your account — this could backfire. Your best bet is to seek legal support from an experienced family lawyer.
When you work with a Washington, D.C. family law attorney, there is no such thing as a dumb question. Feel free to voice your concerns to DiPietro Family Law; you will receive detailed feedback from an attorney who has your best interests at heart. Contact us >>