How Do Adoptive Families Deal with Communication in a Wired-Up World?
Adoption was once a primarily closed process. Once adopted, children rarely saw or heard from their birth parents. Some conducted exhaustive searches after reaching adulthood, and others remained content with not knowing. Research was difficult, and even those who obtained contact information struggled to keep in touch. All this has changed in the internet […]
Common Misconceptions First-Time Parents Have About Adoption
Adoption is almost invariably more complicated, expensive, and time-consuming than would-be parents assume. Those who already have biological children, however, are at least somewhat tuned into the realities of childrearing. New parents face a steeper learning curve. Many hold the following misconceptions: Adoption Will Lead to Biological Children You’ve probably seen this phenomenon play out […]
Changes to Spousal Support Taxes Arrive This New Year
With the end of 2018 quickly approaching, many Americans are beginning to catch wind of new tax code changes that arrive on the first of the year. While many of these changes, including changes to tax brackets and tax numbers, may be beyond the realm of family law, one importing change arriving on New Year’s […]
How to Use the Arts to Relieve the Pain of Divorce
Despair, anger, jealousy…divorce triggers a variety of difficult-to-process emotions. Some of these feelings may lie out of your emotional framework. If left to fester, they may prevent you from moving forward. These pent-up emotions could eventually lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking or drug use. Struggling to share your grief? Art may help. […]
Divorcing a Compulsive Liar
Everybody lies. Those who claim otherwise are…liars! In divorce, however, lies intensify an already-difficult process. As your reality is turned upside down, it can be overwhelming to separate fact from fiction; if your ex is a compulsive liar, you’ll unfortunately find more of the latter than the former. Don’t despair; you can make it through […]
Cognitive Biases That Prevent Us From Predicting How We’ll Feel About Divorce and Other Life Changes
It’s impossible to fully understand the experience of divorce until you go through it yourself. Many divorcees are shocked by the contrast between real-world divorce and their preconceived notions. Why do our predictions differ so wildly from reality? Read on to find out. Assumptions of a Similar World Picture your future. What will your life […]
Cognitive Biases that Prevent Us from Predicting How We’ll Feel About Divorce and Other Life Changes
It’s impossible to understand the experience of divorce until you go through it yourself. Many divorcees are astounded by the difference between real-world divorce and their preconceived notions. Why do our predictions look so wildly different from reality? Read on to find out. Assumptions of a Similar World Picture your future. What will your life […]
Unusual Divorce Laws From Around the World
Understanding Divorce: Legal Insights and Unique Perspectives Our legal team at DiPietro Law Group, PLLC routinely features blog posts about unique and important aspects of the divorce process, as well as other matters of family law. That’s due to the fact that divorce and family law can be complex and highly unfamiliar territory for most […]
Divorce & Temporary Orders: Addressing Immediate Needs During the Divorce Process
There’s no mistaking the fact that divorce is a legal process which can have profound implications for one’s future. While the steps you take at the outset of this journey should be driven this understanding and the strategic insight of proven lawyers who guide you toward positive resolutions, there also exists the need to evaluate […]