5 Questions About Child Custody And Child Support That You May Be Embarrassed To Ask

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Divorce is, by nature, a period of vulnerability. You’re thrust into a situation you may not fully understand, constantly facing questions (and pity) from those you love. In such circumstances, you may hesitate to voice your concerns about various aspects of the divorce process. Below are answers to child custody and child support questions that you might feel too embarrassed to ask:

1. What Happens If My Child Doesn’t Want to See Me?

If, as the noncustodial parent, you are having trouble getting your child to visit, there’s little you can do. It’s tempting to blame the custodial parent’s influence, but typically, kids are more interested in spending time with friends, and visitation may feel like a chore. You can express your concerns to your kids, but ultimately, it’s their decision. Forcing the matter will not make them more eager to spend time with you.

2. Do I Have to Pay Child Support If I’m Unemployed?

Your obligation to pay child support remains regardless of employment status. However, you may be able to request a modification of your child support plan if you are currently paying child support. If you quit your job or remain unemployed to avoid child support, the Court may impute income to you based on your previous earnings.

3. Can I Get Out of Child Support Payments by Filing for Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy can relieve you of certain debts, but child support is not one of them. Even if you file for bankruptcy, you will still need to pay child support. However, bankruptcy may help eliminate other debts, making it easier to meet your child support obligations.

4. What If I Don’t Want Custody?

While most parents fight for child custody, some may not want physical or legal custody—although social stigma often prevents them from admitting it. You are allowed to concede custody to your ex-spouse. If neither spouse wants primary custody, the Court may award joint physical and legal custody.

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5. Will My Facebook Page Ruin My Chances of Gaining Custody?

Social media is increasingly being used as evidence in child custody cases. It’s best to avoid engaging in online disputes with an ex-spouse. If you have old posts that could be used against you, simply deleting your account could backfire. Instead, seek legal guidance from an experienced family lawyer to navigate these issues.

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