How to Use the Arts to Relieve the Pain of Divorce

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Despair, anger, jealousy…divorce triggers a variety of difficult-to-process emotions. Some of these feelings may lie out of your emotional framework. If left to fester, they may prevent you from moving forward. These pent-up emotions could eventually lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking or drug use.

Struggling to share your grief? Art may help. From painting to pop songs, the arts allow you to express yourself when you feel most vulnerable. Try these approaches when you feel low:

Release Pent-Up Emotions with Artwork

While child psychologists recommend art as therapy for children affected by divorce, it’s an equally useful tactic for divorcing adults. Expert Cathy Malchiodi refers to art therapy as “a modality for self-understanding, emotional change and personal growth.” While activities guided by a licensed art therapist may prove most effective, you’ll also benefit from drawing or painting on your own. Whether it’s paint and wine night with the girls or angry sketches in the privacy of your own home, you’ll be astounded by the clarity and solace that the visual arts can deliver.

Listen to, or Sing, Sad Songs

Don’t force yourself into happiness that doesn’t exist; this is the perfect time to embrace melancholy music. Whether you favor Rachmaninoff or Taylor Swift, the saddest songs on your playlist will remind you that you’re far from alone in your misery. Examples of breakup songs include:

  • Highway 20 Drive by Zac Brown Band
  • Someone Like You by Adele
  • Starting Over Again by Dolly Parton
  • Papers by Usher
  • Does My Ring Burn Your Finger by Lee Ann Womack
  • So What by Pink
  • When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You by Marvin Gaye
  • Write Poems or Lyrics

Nobody knows the pain of your divorce quite like you do, so why settle for somebody else’s song? If you’re still struggling after you’ve completed your breakup song playlist, move on to lyrics of your own. You can set them to a melody if you want or stick with free-verse poetry if that’s easier. Put your rawest emotions to paper; you’ll find your writing session deeply cathartic.

The arts can be a great source of solace during your divorce, but it also helps to know you have a compassionate attorney on your side. Seek legal support from our Fairfax divorce lawyers at DiPietro Law Group. Click here to contact us online, or call us at (888) 530-4374.

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