Global View: Virginia Family Attorneys Examine Marriage in East Asian Cultures

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Marriage ceremonies and traditions vary across the globe. If you’re traveling with your spouse, people will likely intuit that the two of you are married. Our Virginia family law attorneys understand that marriage is not only a legal institution but also a deeply cultural one.

Marriage Trends in East Asia

Attitudes toward marriage around the world are endlessly fascinating. Researchers, writing in the Annual Review of Sociology, Volume 41, recently examined marriage data from East Asia and discovered some surprising new trends.

Delaying Marriage and Childbearing

As in the West, people in East Asia are getting married and having children later in life compared to previous generations. However, this trend is even more pronounced in many East Asian cultures. Young people in China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan are waiting longer than their parents’ generation—and even longer than their Western counterparts—to get married and start families.

Economic Factors Impacting Marriage Decisions

These cultural trends are influenced by multiple factors, with the economic situation being one of the most significant. The “Great Recession” of 2008 impacted East Asia severely, and while many parts of the world have recovered, some regions in East Asia are still struggling economically. Young adults in their early 20s are growing up during uncertain times, making them hesitant about marriage and starting families without financial stability.

Shifting Priorities Among Young Adults

In the United States, the economic downturn caused a generational shift in priorities. Millennials are less focused on accumulating wealth and buying property, having grown up during a time when money and property values were not reliable. Similarly, young adults in East Asia value marriage and family but are focused on securing their economic futures before making those commitments.

Need Legal Assistance?

If you need help with your case, contact our experienced Fairfax divorce attorneys today at (888) 530-4374 to schedule a consultation. We offer compassionate, strategic guidance to help you navigate through your situation and regain peace of mind.

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